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Saturday, June 25, 2011

I Want To Know You

About a year ago Judy and I met a brother, Milt Rodriguez, at an Organic Church Conference. We've enjoyed reading a number of his books and articles and following his blog at
He posted an excellent article yesterday entitled , "I Want To Know You".

Because it expresses the desire of the hearts of so many believers (including me!) I decided to post it here as well and trust it will be an encouragement to you also to go in for knowing the Lord Jesus in a much more personal and intimate way than ever before....

I Want to Know You
JUN 24
Posted by miltrodriguez
“But, no, rather I also count all things to be loss because of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them to be trash, that I might gain Christ and be found in Him; not having my own righteousness of Law, but through the faith of Christ, having the righteousness of God on faith, to know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, having been conformed to His death, if somehow I may attain to a resurrection out of the dead.“
Phil 3:8-11

Lord Jesus, I want to know you.
I want to know You in all of Your fullness and all of Your glory.
I want to know You in all of Your depths, heights, width and breadth, together with all of Your saints.
I want to know You within Your Church!
That is, I want to know all of Your unsearchable riches that are hidden within earthen vessels.
I want to know all of those things that our eyes cannot see and our ears cannot hear neither have come up into our hearts.
But I want to know all of those things that have already been given to us by Your Spirit.
I don’t want to know You in a shallow way. I want to dive down deep into the depths of You.
I want to be a submarine, not just a sailboat!
I want to know You in Your righteousness, holiness, redemption, and salvation.
I want to know You AS my wisdom.
I want to know Your ways, thoughts, and character.
I want to know YOU, not just what You said and did.
I want to know the present (current) Christ, not just some historical figure from the past.
I want to know the risen, ascended, glorified, and eternal Christ.
I don’t just want to know You in my mind, but I want to know You in my experience.
I want to know You in my spirit.
I want this knowledge to be an experiential knowledge!
I want to know You as my Grace and Truth.
I want to know You as my Food and Drink.
I want to know You as the air I breathe.
I want to know You as my Vine and my Shepherd.
I want to know You as my New Man, New Creation, and New Covenant.
I want to know You as my Life Source and Life Supply.
I want to know You as my New Wine and New Wineskin.
I want to know You as the essence of all of the scriptures.
I want to know You AS my resurrection.
I want to know You as my Center.
I want to live by Your life.
I want to be able to say in truth that it’s not I who live but Christ who lives in me.
I want to know You so deeply and so truly that I will have forgotten anything that Milt ever came up with!
I want to know You in and with my brothers and sisters.
I want to know You in Your Body, Your Bride, Your House.
I am willing to lose all to know You in these ways and in every way.
Lord Jesus, I want to know You …

If you would like to read other's comments on Milt's post, or add your own, you can go to

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